COSMAL S.R.L. is located in Via San Benedetto Z.A. (industrial area) - 36050 - Bressanvido – Vicenza (ITALY) - Phone number +39.0444.460163 - +39.0444.460164 - Fax number +39.0444.467294
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Cosmal offers on the market an advanced technology in the field of the machines for the sheet metal processing. Our production includes the following machines: 
- press equipment: decoilers, straightening machines, feeling-straightening machines, NC roller feeders, pneumatic feeders.
- industrial plants: cutting lines, slitting lines, cutting lines combined, levelling machines, profiling, stackers, parts conveyors, tipper, special machines.
Cosmal will be your ideal partner to meet your exigencies.

COSMAL S.R.L. is located in Via Del Lavoro, 9 (industrial area) - 36050 - Bressanvido – Vicenza  (ITALY)

 Phone number: +39.0444.460163 - +39.0444.460164 

 Fax number: +39.0444.467294


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